
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text.

Material is space in a spin.  Gravity created the universe.  It made it from that which is usually considered to be nothing but space.  Space has to exist before anything else can.  Space is essentially the only thing in existence.  From the furthest extent of the universe everything is space.  Even the hardest atom or particle is really space in a spin.  Everything that we consider to be material has been created by space in a continuous eternal spin.  This spin then creates gravity by pulling on space.  It has to do so in order to continue it’s existence.   There is no attraction directly between two bodies merely a pull by both bodies on the same space between them.   If there were attraction as in magnetism the universe would've become one great lump of material.  Magnetism is an outcome of the spin of electrons.  Those spinning clockwise will repel each other as will the anti clockwise.  Think of three cogwheels, the centre spins one way, the two either side must move differently than the centre in order for any movement to occur.  Not in any way a “law”, simply inevitable.  


Time simply passes without any alteration of any kind.