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WHAT CAUSES RED SHIFT? – by Gordon Clarke

There are 2 causes of red shift from distant light. One cause is motion away from the observer and the other cause is gravity. Because gravity is so weak its effect is discounted by Big Bang worshippers, New Gravity illustrates by explaining that gravity is not an attraction between masses but a direct pull on space itself. Every individual atom or particle of mass exerts a direct pull on space to maintain its existence for ever.

In a vacuum there is of course no friction. Since there always is the pull of gravity when no mass is in the way of this pull it shows that the idea of masses being ‘attracted’ is wrong.  It also explains why the universe is not one great mass in the middle of empty space. Isaac Newton did not suggest ‘attraction’ that was inferred by an experiment of Cavendish’s, where learned observers noted that lead weights clearly moved towards each other. The observers knew of the reputation of Cavendish and his experiments were accepted the world over. Thus they all concluded that there is an attraction between the masses. No comment was recorded as to why the weights did not cling together. Of course at  that time nobody was aware that there is nothing but space in the universe and only a microscopic part of space is in motion and so creates all that we see and feel as material. We can say with certainty that gravity is a pull on space and the streams of space thus created pass through any material in the way.

Back to the Red Shift, the current view of the cause in distant starlight is receding motion of the object. Now we are using better and better telescopes it is noticed that the further and further away a galaxy is, the faster and faster it appears to be receding. Huge leaps of imagination are made to invent unknown unproven forces, energy and matter to keepBig Bang theory afloat. The same stubborn attitude from beginning to end!

Our interpretation is as follows— Wherever light is emitted from, gravity must have existed beforehand, consequently gravity has already created streams of space incoming to the emission of the light.  So this means that light encounters more space than the distance usually required in travelling the distance involved. The speed is not altered but the frequency is. The further light travels in this situation the greater the reduction of frequency.  Therefore the Red Shift is moved relatively but over the same distance. No expansion  all without Dark matter, Dark energy, Dark forces. All without special pleading . The universe has always existed to the present extent. Random motion, became spin so conserving energy and so creating individual units/particles pulling by spin on space. Over billions of years complex arrangements gradually produced the material universe that we experience today.